Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Boy we are just "slackers" on this whole bloggin thing aren't we?? Do ya think it has anything to do with FB????? Um Yeah, pretty sure it does. Addictive that thing is. Well unfortuantely I don't have alot to talk about on this page. Right now just happy to be living I guess.

Economy is crappy but to be honest with you I'm supporting the stimulus package in hopes that it gets better. I know some people thinks it's an "out" for the irresponsible people-such as I have been in the past-but everybody makes mistakes. Maybe these people who have been irresponsible have learned their lesson and seen how fast you can go from the penthouse to the outhouse!!! So maybe, just maybe they'll grow from it. I believe everybody deserves a 2nd chance, so hopefully this will help them out.

I'm so ready for Spring I could scream. I need some sun shine!! I so have the SAD disease!! I know I do. I get tired, depressed etc etc with these long dreary days.....ready to soak up some Vitamin D!! It just makes me feel better in general.

Been dieting again....yeah I know you're thinking whatever. But I have. Just eating lots of fruits and vegetables and cutting down on the sweets. Trying to excercise too. I really want to go to classes at the gym but finding time to do that is going to be like finding a needle in a haystack. We'll see how that works out.

Ok, now onto a delima I have.....Ball season is upon us. I've signed Ashton up for baseball. They are about to start practicing. I got a call from his coach on sunday evening telling me that he believes it would be "safer" for Ashton to play on the 5/6 year old team again this year due to his "size".....now this totally hit a sore spot with me. Ashton is 7 and basically he's saying he doesn't want him to move up with him-the team he's been on for 3 years....I actually couldn't even speak on the other end of the phone. He kept saying Stacey are you there? Finally I mustarded up the voice to say "why". What does size have to do with anything in baseball??? So he goes into explaining that he is just little (geez you're kidding me, I hadn't noticed...) and he thinks it would just be in his best interest (I'm thinking it would be in the best interest of the coach who's won a county championship for the past 3 years and wants to keep his title). He says he's afraid with the kids getting bigger Ash will get hurt......I literally was dumbfounded. Had no idea how to respond. Don't you think it's the parents job to worry if their kid is going to get hurt or not???? I told him I'd have to think about it and call him back. I still haven't called him back. I do NOT know what to do? I now have a bad taste in my mouth for the whole Lascassas Ball club and Ash still wants to play (cause I asked him about it) but I can't get over the fact that this is even being addressed. Am I too sensative? Or is childhood sports just getting incrediably too political???? It's one thing to be competative, I get that, I'm competative too, but to tell me my child is too little to play a sport that he's half way decent at.....no...don't think so. It's not like I'm signing him up for flippin basketball or something!!! Am I being unreleastic??? So I'm dealing with that.....It's stressin me and I know I need to give them an answer as they have teams to sort out, but seriously, they disrespected me so why do I really care about being respectful to them???? I think someone took a look at the roster and decided that to have a county championship team they needed this person, that person, and that person.....and Ash just happened to not be on the list....ugh. I'm just disgusted....

Well that's about it for me.....Jen, glad Hannah is better. I will blog you guys in about another um month or so!! See ya.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Spring Cleaning!!!

Time to start the Spring Cleaning guys! Today I've went to the grocery store and bought 3 boxes (of 30) trash bags! It's time to de clutter my house!!! Seriously de clutter. I will be doing a room at a time. Cleaning out everything from Toys to pictures to mattresses-the ones in Ashton's room-that is just setting on the floor. I will start cleaning things out of my house as if I were moving. Nothing else will be put back or bought new for this house until I get new flooring in. So with that said, I may have to live in empty rooms for a while but who cares!! I have never in my life let my house get as cluttered as it is now. NEVER!!! I used to keep a really clean really clutter-less house but seems like the older and I get and more I work the less I care, but I don't like living in it. So if I want something done about it, I have to do it myself. Anything you guys can think of that you want in my house-which I seriously doubt-let me know cause I might just be thinking about getting rid of it. And I'm not fooling with a yard sale, everything is doing to either the dump or Goodwill. Not fooling with yard sales, unless Dean Johnson wants to come get it-and really I don't want to let it hang out in my garage that long to wait on her to be honest....I'm serious, it's got to go. I'm just going to pretend I'm putting my house on the market to sale and clean it out.ha. Then when I get it cleaned out, I'll decide what I want to do with it. But like I said, nothing new will come back in here until I get new flooring-carpet, tile or whatever I decide to do. I can't deal anymore. So with that said, I think I'll get off my butt and go start in a room. I'm starting in Austin's room, which should be interesting. I'll start there being as it's the biggest health hazzard. Ya'll wish me luck and I'll let you know tonight if it was productive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a good one!!!!!!!!!!!!!